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A Beautiful Disaster - The Fine Art of Procrastination

This is my first "A Beautiful Disaster" blog entry of what will certainly be many as I'm documenting my plein air journey to a one man show in Boulder CO. Like many artists I am always working up to the last possible minute before I leave for a show. Well, I've decided to take the next logical step and actually paint a show while on my way to the show! The premise is simple: I live in Salt Lake City and the Mary Williams Fine Art gallery is in Boulder, so why not capture the countryside between here and there in plein air pieces? I will be on the road in an RV (which I've aptly named the "Art Assault Vehicle") for two weeks, and whatever I finish, that's my show. I will not be taking a single finished piece with me when I pull out of my driveway. You can follow my progress here or on the Mary Williams Fine Arts page and actually help me find interesting places to paint along the way, just chime in with your ideas!

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